Transformation home

"Why?" you might ask would I select a yield sign to represent my transformation page. It's because of the shape of the sign. The yield sign is in the shape of a triangle. This page is a discussion about the triangle of our being: body, mind and spirit. Trust me this isn't some new age philosophy, it's just how I view myself. Each of these pieces are interconnected to create me. If one is out of whack then the other two are affected. For example, my body has extra weight and is fatigued. I have to ask myself is this only my body that has the problem. The only time this would be true is if I had some illness. I know that isn't the case so I need to look at what is going on in my mind and my spirit. Only God really understands how we are truly put together in his image, but this 3 in 1 idea of body, mind and spirit fits with image of a triune God. The bible even says that we are to love God with our heart, soul and mind, in other words with all of our being.

Whole books have been written on this topic and I am in no way an expert. So this page is simply my thoughts on the transformation of my body. I firmly believe that this transformation is taking place because of the by-product of the transformation that is taking place in my mind and my spirit. As a Christian, I believe that God works in us, as the Bible says, to give us the mind of Christ and to help us walk in his Spirit. Also, according to the Bible, our bodies are to be a living sacrifice. God is renewing my mind, my spirit is in communion with his Spirit and my body is changing as a result.

Follow the links below to read my random thoughts about this subject. You will find a potpourri of thoughts, links, quotes, etc. These areas will be updated often, since transformation is a never-ending process.









Spirit Menu

Activities that rejuvenate my Spirit:

 Read and study my Bible


 Remain active in my church

 Remain active in my life group

 Occasionally spend time in silence and solitude

 Read good books about keeping my faith alive



My favorite Spirit web links:

This site has a little of everything. Movie reviews from a Christian perspective, online Bible and Study Tools, Daily Devotionals, Comics….

The Institute for Christian Leadership. This site is an incredible site for finding online Christian Literature. Check it out. You won't believe the amount of literature available.

Praise Net. A Worship resource link.

Virtual Church. A resource for finding published sermons on any topic.


Body Menu

Activities that rejuvenate my Body:

 Proper Nutrition

 Proper Rest

 Proper Activity

 Proper Checkups

 Proper Hygiene

 Primping (Not sure if this is physical or mental, but primping makes me feel beautiful no matter the size or shape of my body.)


My favorite Body web links

DietWatch. This site is absolutely incredible. For a free membership you have access to a community of fellow dieters, a food diary where you can track your nutrition, graphs and charts to track your progress, articles and much more.

Bufftitude YEAH! This web site is maintained by a guy who went from 425 lbs. to 185 lbs. in less than two years. Pretty incredible.

A Body Essay. This is my absolute favorite page. It contains pictures of this woman in her underwear. She shows her body, blemishes, stretch marks, cellulite and all. She is overweight and yet she talks about loving her body. This site was incredibly freeing to me. She has a quirky personality that I just love which you will too if you explore the rest of her web site.


Mind Menu

Activities that rejuvenate my Mind:

 Learning something new

 Music: Listening, Singing, Playing, and Composing

 Bible Study

 Taking courses

 Word games and logic puzzles

 Scripture memory


Here is some of my favorite quotes:

Do you want to be a positive influence in the world? First get your life in order. Ground yourself in this single principle so that your behaviour is wholesome and effective. Your behavior influences others through a ripple effect." -- The Tao of Leadership


Ships are safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are built for. - unknown


If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will keep getting what you have always gotten. - Peter Lowe


You are NOT what you eat. Food has nothing to do with who you are. - me


The changes that you make in order to succeed at weight management are found from the neck up. Think positive thoughts and make healthier choices and your body will change - it can't help it. - unknown


Always strive for health and weight loss will happen. - unknown

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