Weight Loss Journal

Read my journal showing my thoughts and feelings as I moved toward my first goal.

Week Ending





Goal for Next Week

Other Thoughts

















Walked 3 days this week and I did some weights.

I feel like I'm back on target. I'm so excited that I've not only lost the 3 lbs from vacation but also lost 2 more this week. I'm so excited.

I know that in order to keep losing I will need to drop from 1800 calories to 1500 calories. I'm really dreading this because it means I will be giving up more food. Herein lies my confession, I am experiencing anxiety over eating less because I love food. I have let food take an improper place in my life. I have become a glutton. I am abusing food just as an alcoholic abuses alcohol. Father, please forgive me for my sin. Fill my heart and mind so full that a love for food will not occupy any space. Help me, Lord, to gain my life from you. To live in your Spirit and to walk in your ways.

Prayer remains my goal. I will continue to make this a discipline until it is a new habit. I will pray before any food enters my mouth and invite God to give me health and life from it.

I was so down last week, but I persevered through. I didn't give up. In the past, when I hit this kind of wall, I threw up my hands and said "Why bother." Thank you Lord for giving me perseverence and thank you for your gift to me this morning.



Why did I put the exercise column first? Why do I have such a hard time with this? All I need to do is move my body around every day. The weather is nice, so I could walk. I have weights at home and video tapes. I only walked one day this week and nothing else. blah..........!!!!!!!

I did very well eating right this week and praying.

I'm not very motivated right now. I need to search my soul and little and remind myself what I'm doing this for. I don't even want to set a goal for next week because I feel like I won't meet it. I'm tired of putting them in here every week and then not meeting them. Arghhh

How about this….Since I'm frustrated with goal setting… My goal for this week is to pray before I put anything in my mouth. This way I will invite God into this part of my life.

Not only am I not motivated, I'm down right depressed today. I'd really like to go home, put my head under the covers and sleep the weekend away. Not sure why I'm feeling like this. Lots of little stressers that are affecting me. I really need to get rid of school for awhile. I'm just overwhelmed by that, work, family responsibilities that I don't feel I'm meeting, building a new house...I'm just tired. Oh well. I've been down this path long enough to know it won't last forever.



Walked 3 days this week. Plus I did a lot of yard work and remained busy.

I pulled myself out of the hole I worked into during vacation. Sure my weight doesn't show a success, but a lot of the bad habits had found their way back. They were gripping onto me with their claws and it took me a few days to fight them off. Feelings of failure. Negative thinking. Empty feelings that wanted to be filled with food. With God's help I've worked myself back into reality. Its just that I do such a good job of escaping reality when I'm on vacation that when I'm slammed back into it I get depressed for about 3-4 days. Pretty weird. Next vacation, I'll have to balance my checkbook or something just to keep my feet on the ground. :-)

The weekend after I came back was so hard. The timing was really bad and I ate chocolate once a day from Saturday to Monday. Chocolate's fine in moderation but 4 times in one week….I don't think so… I also had to add weeks to my first goal. I didn't make it in 13 weeks. I think it will take me about 4 more weeks to lose the 6 pounds. bummer

Walk M,W,F on my lunch hour.

Sail on Anita, Sail on….





After Vacation weight. :-(


This is so disappointing. I did well on vacation except for the days we were in the car. (3 days) On those days, I just couldn't seem to control the munchies. I guess I eat when I'm bored. What's so frustrating is that it's like I didn't do anything for the whole month of April!!!! I ended the month weighing more than when I started. 3 pounds doesn't sound like much, but when your only losing a pound or pound and a half a week it's a month's worth of work. My vacation has set me back three weeks. (One for each pound.) On 4/14 I was only 2.5 pounds from my first goal, now I'm 5.5!!!! How discouraging! I think I'll just rip the month of April out of my calendar and pretend it didn't happen. .... There that's better....OK no more wallowing around in the past. Today is a new day and tomorrow will be too. I'll keep sailing...




I didn't do my weekly update because I left for vacation. Now I can't remember what the week was like. So I'll just put it down as a success. Why not? If I can't remember I might as well pat myself on the back. :-)



I weighed early this week and it didn't show a loss. Probably if I had the other 2 days it would have. But then vacation struck….



If I walk today then I've got my three days of exercise in. I did a combo this week. Aerobics, weight and walking.

I've definitely got a handle on the snacking after dinner thing this week.

Here is something in the confessional that I didn't think I'd ever write. I didn't eat enough food this week. I'm not feeling well because of allergies and sinuses and I just don't feel like eating. It's probably not a bad thing. My body is probably trying to reserve energy for keeping me healthy rather than digesting food.

3 solid days of exercise next week.

I am only 2.5 pounds from my first goal. I've lost 26.5 pounds so far. That is really, REALLY AWESOME! I'm still struggling with this nagging fear that this will be just like any other time I've done well and I will fizzle out. This makes me feel like I'm a fraud. Isn't that weird? I'm trying hard to change my mindset and I'm praying hard that the changes that are happening in me are heart changes and the weight loss and better health are just a by-product of the changes in my heart. So I started a new section on the web-site where I can talk about heart level and mindset changes. Eventually, as I mature through this process, this section will become the most important.



This was my worst week for exercise so far. It rained everyday so I didn't get out and walk. Basically, I did nothing this whole week as far as exercise is concerned. Just think I may have actually lost instead of gaining that measly half a pound.

My biggest success this week is that I made very, VERY good choices on what I ate. Even on my freeday I still found myself choosing better things. I think that I've actually made some habit and pattern changes in food choices. Thanks God for your help!!!

See the exercise grid!!! 'nuff said. It's sad that this is a repeat phrase. I'm going to have to make exercise more of a priority. From everything I've read I KNOW that this is one of the biggest lifestyle changes that needs to happen for me. Every study, every success story, every article says that to maintain health excercise is an absolute must. This will be the biggest stronghold to break.

Maybe my exercise goal is a little unrealistic. Since I started to go from 3 days a week to 5 I haven't been consistent. So I think I will back up. This week I'm going back to 3 days a week. Walk 2 days and Weights 1 day. This will be my get back on track week.

I'm starting to lose some steam. The things I have been doing for motivation aren't as powerful. That's why I asked some friends to join me on the journey. Their response has been awesome and I know that they are praying for me and supporting me. If you are one of those friends...Thanks!!!! Also I'm looking forward to vacation. I really need to have a full day to myself alone during the week. I just need to spend some time with Jesus. I'm hoping I can escape the family and get away to a quiet spot on the beach for a day. In fact, I may just leave them behind and take the car for a drive. Just Jesus and me. He will help me refocus on the true reason I'm doing all this...to honor him.



I did the walking but not the weight training. I didn't deserve to lose 3.5 lbs. I think my scales are all screwed up.

I'm trying to celebrate my big loss this week, but I just don't think I deserve it. I must be nuts!!! I made some very good choices so I need to celebrate no matter what I feel I deserve!!!

Late night eating has been a problem with me this week. I've been eating at 9:00 and later. I have noticed that the more TV I watch the more inclined I am to eat.

Same as the previous week. I've got to make this routine a habit. Walk M,W, F on my lunch hour. Weight train T and Th. Shouldn't be that hard, eh!

I just realized that I am only 3.5 lbs away from my first goal and I have 4 weeks left. That's less than one lb a week. I think I'm going to make it. I also bought a pair of jeans this week and they were a full size smaller, and a little baggy I might add. From a 26 to a 24. For some reason I still have this nagging feeling that I'm not really losing. That the scales are wrong, or that the new jeans are just cut bigger, or it's all water weight. I wonder why I feel this way. Why can't I accept my success?



Poorly done this week. Just 2 sessions of weights and no aerobic activity.

I made very good daily choices on what to eat. I'm proud of myself. We went to a chinese buffet last night and I had very good restraint. I didn't over do it. You go GIRL!!

See the exercise grid!!! 'nuff said.

Walk M,W,F on my lunch hour. Weight train T and Th.


Last Updated on 07/06/2000
By Anita Wilson